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FancyName® – The GP Collaborative Guide to Health

purchase Strattera Premarin The year before last, my patient Kevin had a heart attack. Last year, he lost 18kg using the products of ‘A Big Weight Loss Franchise®.’ But last week, he was 5kg heavier than when he started! buy Asacol I seem to be having a lot of conversations with patients about weight loss. […]

You need a Chumby

Generic Paxil order Prozac online brand Levitra online You may not know it yet, but you need a Chumby – or you will when they are released into the wild real soon now. A Chumby is a small touchscreen, enclosed in a stuffed fabric cube, that connects to your computer using your wireless network. It […]

International Kuru Awareness Week

Although useful things (like dermatomes) can be impossible to remember, obscure things sometimes seem to stick fast in our memories. Like Kuru, which, as we all know, is caused by a slow acting virus transmitted by eating the brains of sufferers. Not terribly common here in NSW. Yet you may be surprised to know that […]

Intranets and dermatomes

There are some things that appear impossible to retain in ‘the fleshy tablets of the mind’. For me, that includes the map of dermatomes on the arms and legs. After 20 years, I still have to look them up each time. Safe and effective patient care can be improved by timely access to decision support […]

St Jude strikes back – A perfect mess

get methotrexate Anti Viral Just when all seemed lost, and our efforts to achieve ‘stress-free productivity’ and a ‘time-efficient life’ seemed doomed, new hope dawns. The latest self-help bestseller is ‘A Perfect Mess – the hidden benefits of disorder’. (Eric Abrahsom and David Freedman) Apparently the truly efficient do not not waste time cleaning and […]

Wasting Time Online – Linerider

isotretinoin without prescription Line Rider generic Cialis Professional is the new time waster of choice in our house. A simple concept – draw a line on the screen from top left to bottom right. Press Play and a tiny tobogganer rides down the line you have drawn. Make the line steeper to give him more […]

HipsterPDA meets fashion week

Cialis super active no prescription Last year I completed my own 10 year Odyssey. I had sailed past the Apple Newton, Palm Pilot versions 1, 2 and 3, and the Filofax – and I have settled on The HipsterPDA, which is the most functional organiser I have found. The Hipster faciliates easy data entry, has […]

Social Networking – have you got the IT factor.

Fair, fat and forty-ish may be an accurate description of myself (ed note. We think Gadget Man is too hard on himself), but I don’t recommend it as a description for a ‘My Space’ page. So far, despite the fact the site has 106 million members, no one has offered to be my friend. Now, […]

Scoring a Birdie with Diabetes

“The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself.” – Oscar Wilde Like a new golfer, general practice is a frequent recipient of advice. Towers of guidelines rise threateningly above our desks, taunting us in their unopened plastic sheaths. Evidence floods our mailboxes […]

Looking Lean through Muda glasses

buy Ventolin How much time do you spend in ‘the Red Zone’ with your patients? What is your average doorknob to doorknob time? How long since you mapped your process flows? When is your third available appointment slot? I recently attended the Institute for Health Improvement’s 7th Annual Summit on Clinical Office Improvement, held this […]