Tag Archives:Diet

Lifestyle – Show and Tell

We do the real work in chronic disease management when we assist our patients to make lasting changes to their lifestyle.

We can benefit from better tools and teams to support us in this task.

buy Indocin What tools have you found useful?

In the interests of ‘Sharing Generously and Stealing Shamelessly’, here is a preliminary list of some resources and ideas.

As suggestions come in, we’ll share them on this site.

Diabetes Life


Victorian pratices will know that Diabetes Life is a major diabetes prevention campaign of Diabetes Australia (Victoria) supported by the Vic government.

They have a number of resources available to download or to have sent to you. In particular, they have a neat online risk calculator buy Robaxin online

Diabetes Report Card

Terry Rose’s Clinic Manager offers some cool tools.

David Richardson tells me that five times as many people responded positively to diabetes clinic invitations when the mailout included the patient’s individual diabetic ‘report card’.

Terry has an example diabetes report card on his website

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CHD Risk Calculator

The MSD site for GPs has a well designed CHD risk calculator.

Show your patients how their risk changes as their cholesterol improves, or they stop smoking.

You will need an msd4gps password to view these pages.


Dieting for Weight Loss

Which diet achieves the best results?
The NEJM (and the Health Report) have recently sort for the answer.

Report in stepUp.org.au.


One Hundred Push Ups

Can you do one hundred push ups?
I thought not!

(I can do them in six weeks – if I do three per day.)

However, in six weeks you will be able to do one hundred *consecutive* push ups if you follow the program at hundredpushups.com


It would be great if you could share resources you have found by adding them in the comments below, or emailing them to me at tony@practiceimprovement.com.au

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