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Reduced Disability and Mortality Among Aging Runners

So, running really is good for you.

A 21 year longitudinal study concludes that running at middle and older ages is associated with reduced disabi

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Screening For Prostate Cancer

We still don’t know the full answer, but at least over-75s don’t need ‘just a little prick’.

"Current evidence is insufficient to assess the

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Walking the Great Wall

Order Disulfiram online buy Levitra Xenical 120 mg How would you like to walk the full 3200km of the Great Wall of China? That’s a mere 4 million steps. Our clinic began our virtual journey last Friday. We are well on our way to the first checkpoint, Zhangye. There has been little thanks for my […]

Weight Loss with a Low-Carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low-Fat Diet

NEJM — Weight Loss with a Low-Carbohydrate, Mediterranean, or Low-Fat Diet:
Dietary Intervention Randomized Controlled Trial (DIRECT) Group, N Engl J Med 2008 359: 229-241
Norman Swan on Radio National’s Health Report this week reports on the above fascinating study, comparing three commonly recommended diets
Low-Fat Diet
The low-fat, restricted-calorie diet was based on American Heart Association20 guidelines. […]

Becoming a Time Lord

Zen and the Art of General Practice Part Two Do you run on time? In our discussion on achieving ‘Zen’ in general practice, time pressure was identified as one of the most significant factors that decrease our enjoyment at work. It is a chief ‘zen-zapper’. No one benefits from a waiting room full of people.  […]

Design and the Doctor’s Surgery

Cialis super active no prescription The Radio National Program ‘By Design’ last week featured ‘Design and the doctor’s surgery’ and it may be worth a listen buy Cialis Professional online if you are constrained by the physical capacity of your premises. The RACGP has released a new ‘workbook’ on the subject ‘Rebirth of a Clinic: […]

Moderate Alcohol Intake and Diabetes Control

Good news! Patients who had previously abstained from alcohol appear to improve their glycaemic control with one glass of wine per day.

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Health Behaviours and Mortality: The EPIC-Norfolk Prospective Population Study

Smoking and drinking are bad for you and being active and eating healthilly are good for you.

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Thinking Lean in Texas

Dallas, Texas: From your roving correspondent, currently attending the 9th Annual Institute of Healthcare Improvement Summit on Clinical Office Redesign, held this year in the Gaylord Texan Hotel, Grapevine, Dallas.This annual international conference attracts 1500 doctors and health administrators to discuss the latest issues in quality and improvement for ‘ambulatory’ care. The larger IHI conference […]

Eat Your Breakfast – It’s official

The results of Project EAT (Eating among Teens) has been published in the journral ‘Pediatrics’. It confirms what our grandmothers told us – breakfast is the most important meal of the day.The conclusions – there is an inverse relationship between frequency of breakfast and BMI. The more often you have breakfast, the lower your BMI is […]