Recent articles

Access and the John West measure.

Access from the APCC point of view is about access to effective and **timely** care.  We will do the community an enormous service if we can increase the capacity of general practice to care for the health of that community.   If we are to demonstrate an improvement in ‘access’ to general practice, we need to […]

Zen and the Art of General Practice

buy premarin “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” I have recently had reason to think about Tom Marshall’s propositon that “General Practice is the best job in the world – you get paid for talking […]

If You Snooze, You Lose

LFiles has previously discussed ways of waking up fresh in the mornings. The team at where can i buy Plavix buy Disulfiram ThinkGeek order misoprostol online have come up with a new gadget to make sure you learn the message that when you snooze, you lose. The Sn?zNL?z – Wifi Donation Alarm Clock will make […]

Rethinking Thin and Mindless Eating

Reason magazine online has a review of two new books on weight loss that are relevant to our stepUp program.
In Rethinking Thin, Gina Kolata, a veteran New York Times science reporter uses case studies to illustrate her general point that “very few people lose substantial amounts of weight and keep it off” because genetic factors […]

stepUp – the GP Collaborative Guide to Health

The year before last, my patient Kevin had a heart attack. Last year, he lost 18kg using the products of ‘A Big Weight Loss Franchise®.’ But last week, he was 5kg heavier than when he started!
I seem to be having a lot of conversations with patients about weight loss. We really want them to think […]

The Hippocratic oath meets Web 2.0

A website that aims to provide accurate information for patients, with a plan to facilitate shared records.

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FancyName gets a Fancy Name – stepUp Coming Soon

Lasix no prescription Addendum : purchase Naltrexone esomeprazole price now online. In a previous post we forshadowed an open-source GP-based collaborative lifestyle project for patients to improve their fitness and lose weight. Thanks for all the feedback I have received. The project is based on what we have learned about system change. Improvements are […]

Molehills, Mountains and Change Management

Do you think this is helpful? Much of the work we do as clinicians involves behaviour change. In a recent purchase Tadalafil Health Report on Radio National, Norman Swan interviewed the American researcher Associate Professor Kent Harber. Prof Harber has done research on the affect the amount of social support and our available resources affect […]

Tape measure V sphygmomanometer

Andrew Binns explains why the tape measure should become the tool of choice for patient assessment.

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Patient Knowledge of Coronary Risk Profile – Improving Outcomes

Patient self management is the key to achieving targets in chronic disease, as demonstrated in this study.

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