Design and the Doctor’s Surgery

Cialis super active no prescription The Radio National Program ‘By Design’ last week featured ‘Design and the doctor’s surgery’ and it may be worth a listen buy Cialis Professional online if you are constrained by the physical capacity of your premises.

The RACGP has released a new ‘workbook’ on the subject
‘Rebirth of a Clinic: A design workbook for architecture in general practice and primary care’

You can download some sample pages from their site – the full Monty will set members back $199! The order page is here

Paxil online Addendum: I have now purchased the workbook. Be aware that ‘workbook’ is just what it is, with lots of pages where you write down your own thoughts. There is a great deal of general design discussion and only a limited amount of practical specific design features that you will be able to pull out and use immediately. I would have preferred far more examples of good design and practical tips – this made it less useful for my purposes and to that extent I think it is significantly overpriced.
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