Recent articles

Benefits of the Medical Home – Report

The Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative has just released a report on the ‘Benefits of Implementing the Patient Centred Medical Home‘. This report documents the outcomes of a number of projects based around the medical home model of care. There are three broad conclusions. As medical home implementation increases, better health, better care and lower […]

Australian Primary Health Care Reform and the Medical Home

Australian Primary Health Care Reform and the Medical Home

This month, The Australian Governments (state and federal) released a report that details components of a National Primary Health Care Strategy. Element 4 of this strategy details how a medical home can contribute to a system that is ‘Well-integrated, coordinated, and providing continuity of care, particularly for those with multiple, ongoing, and complex conditions’ An […]

Family Physicians Are ‘Linchpin’ of US Health Care Reform Efforts

In response to the growing crisis in health care costs, public and private payers have launched scores of innovative health care delivery and payment models designed to reward the value of health care services instead of the volume of services. “It is pretty hard to think about increasing value in the health care system without […]

Primary Care for the 21st Century: Ensuring a Quality, Physician-led Team for Every Patient

Primary Care for the 21st Century: Ensuring a Quality, Physician-led Team for Every Patient

The AAFP this week launched its report “Primary Care for the 21st Century: Ensuring a Quality, Physician-led Team for Every Patient ” The United States is adopting a new model of primary care built around patients and delivered by teams. As a key element of this approach, primary care medical practices are being called upon […]

Tweets from the World Healthcare Networks Conference

Tweets from the World Healthcare Networks Conference

The World Healthcare Networks Conference has recently been held in Cairns. This is a summary of my ‘tweets’ from the conference Determinants of health and combating disadvantage The potential scope of work for Medicare Locals in combating disadvantage is huge. The National Centre for Socail and Economic Modelling estimates that the savings from closing the […]

Social Media and Service Redesign

Guardian Healthcare reports on a recent conference in Leeds that produced some innovative ideas about how to integrate digital and social media into service redesign. ‘Coproduction’ became the focus of discussion – that is, how to engage the users of a service in the design of that service. As a group, we realised that […]


An enormous iTunes store – where every song is free? The Swedish-based Spotify Music Streaming Service was released in Australia this weekend. Spotify is an free app for Mac/PC or iPhone that allows you to ‘stream’ music from an enormous ‘jukebox in the cloud’. It reallly does contatin just about any song you can think […]

What about me? Patient-Centred Outcomes Research

What about me? Patient-Centred Outcomes Research

Patient-Centred Outcomes Research aims to answer the ‘real world’ questions our patients ask.

How Do We Fix Medicine?

How Do We Fix Medicine?

“How Do We Fix Medicine?” was the question asked by Atul Gawande at a recent TED talk. He points out that the challenge facing medicine has changed. The challenge is not about improving the ‘components’ of health care, but about building better systems for the delivery of care. “We are obsessed in Medicine by having […]

From Medical Practice to Medical Home

From Medical Practice to Medical Home

Although all medical homes are medical practices, not all medical practices are medical homes. What would it take for your practice to become a patient-centred medical home? The Commonwealth Fund is a US based private foundation that is ‘working towards a high performance health system that achieves better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, particularly […]