Hidden in Plain View

Our senses are constantly processing sights, sounds, smells and touch. Most of these do not reach our consciousness. We only become aware of some of the inputs that pass through our brain. How do we decide what to pay attention to? On Feb 17th this year, psychologist Ulric Neisser passed away. He worked in the […]

Giving up Coffee for Lent?

Tomorrow is Ash Wedneday. Are you giving up coffee for Lent? No. Neither am I. There is good evidence that caffeine provides a stimulus to mental alertness.  It also acts as a legal performance enhancer for sports – the AIS has a guide to it use.  (Alex Watson was ahead of his time) And it […]

Revolution in the Classroom

What makes a difference in educational outcomes for school students? Class sizes? Infrastructure? Access to resources? Laptops for students? The research has one answer. The quality of the teacher. And where are we investing our money? If you missed 4 Corners this week, it is well worth a look. http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/stories/2012/02/06/3421391.htm

How To Learn New Stuff Part Three

Taking notes during class?Studying one topic at a time? Having the same place to study each day? As it turns out, alll are exactly the opposite of the best strategies for learning.This time last year we looked at basic learning strategies (test erly test often) and the strategy known as Mindburning – controlled unforgeting. http://whatilearnttoday.com.au/how-to-learn-new-stuff […]