eHealth, Wedgetail and the Northern Rivers

Timely communciation between providers and a shared electronic health record can improve the management of people with complex conditions.

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Mediterranean Diet and Diabetes Risk

A prospective study in the BMJ showed a 35% relative risk reduction for those who adhered to a Mediterranean diet.

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Exercise and Weight Loss – Raising the Bar

Sustained weight loss appears to require more time spent exercising than previous consensus statements had suggested.

In a 24 month study of 200 o

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Reduced Disability and Mortality Among Aging Runners

So, running really is good for you.

A 21 year longitudinal study concludes that running at middle and older ages is associated with reduced disabi

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Screening For Prostate Cancer

We still don’t know the full answer, but at least over-75s don’t need ‘just a little prick’.

"Current evidence is insufficient to assess the

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Walking the Great Wall

Order Disulfiram online buy Levitra Xenical 120 mg How would you like to walk the full 3200km of the Great Wall of China? That’s a mere 4 million steps. Our clinic began our virtual journey last Friday. We are well on our way to the first checkpoint, Zhangye. There has been little thanks for my […]