The Institute of Healthcare Improvement

ihi.gifThe Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI Retin-A online ) is a champion of practice improvement.

The IHI developed the original ‘breakthrough collaborative’ model from which the APCC has been developed.

About 10,000 delegates (including Dale Ford) attended the recent 20th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care in Nashville. How was it, Dale?

Only a few thousand attend the smaller ‘Redesigning the Clinic Office Practice’ conference each year, and I have been fortunate enough to attend on two occasions. This year it will be held in Vancouver, in March.

Anybody going?

The IHI also hosts a number of web based mini-collaboratives that it calls Web&ACTION (?), and the next of these begins on Feb 12th. You may be interested.

It is titled ‘Using Practical Tools and Methods to Create an Efficient Office Practice’, and consists of three web based seminars with assignments during the action periods in between.

The ‘blurb’ is quoted below, in a footnote to this email.

Our access may be limited due to time zone differences (12 noon ‘Eastern Time’ is 4am here) and the need for a telephone dial-in to participate fully (though Skype may do).

The cost is US$295.

Information is at

If you participate we’d be happy for you to share generously.

There are also a number of free resources including on-demand presentations available through the IHI site.
(There is a rather involved registration process even for free resources)

Don Berwick’s keynote talks are always good value. At Nashville his talk was entitled ‘Tense’

I’ve just enrolled in On Demand: The Right Treatment for the Right Patient Every Time – Applying Reliability Science to Health Care.
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I’ll let you know how it goes.

IHI also have a number of ‘white papers’ that you may find relevant.
They are at

You may be interested in Going Lean in Health Care

As always, I’d welcome your feedback

The Blurb for the upcoming web&ACTION series follows

Every office practice wants to provide the best patient-centered, evidence-based care possible to each patient, each visit. But far too often daily work is plagued by busy caseloads, chaotic environments, and wasteful processes. Staff become so overwhelmed that there is no chance to find the breathing room necessary to focus on providing optimal care.
The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) has created a new Web&ACTION, Using Practical Tools and Methods to Create an Efficient Office Practice, to help office practices find and eliminate waste. Participants in the program will learn how to use simple tools and methods centered on Lean principles such as identifying the value stream, design for continuous flow, and removing bottlenecks and waste.

The goals of this work include:

• Focusing more fully on providing ideal patient-centered, evidence based care
• Decreasing cycle times
• Increasing efficiency, and patient and staff satisfaction
Expert faculty will help teams think about their current office systems, and then develop and implement plans for making them efficient and practical.

For more information, please visit:
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3 Responses to “The Institute of Healthcare Improvement”

  1. May 1st, 2016 | 11:34 am

    Hallo liebe Schule! Ich vermisse die alte Schule und die Stadt sehr und ich hoffe, dass ich wenn ich in die Stadt zurück komme, meinen Sohn dann auch auf die Schule schicken kann. Ich wünsche euch allen schöne Weihnachtsferien und einen guten Rutsch in das neue Jahr! Liebe Grüße, Sandra!

  2. May 6th, 2016 | 10:45 am

    Lina:Interesante analisis. Sin embargo, vale la pena preguntar. Acaso Facebook sirve como el cate de desahogo siquiatrico o como el lugar de proyecciones sobre lo que queremos ser o queremos que otros crean que somos? Mmmmmmmm–Ser o no ser, he ahi la pregunta.Saludos y me encanto el blog!Lina Younes

  3. July 21st, 2016 | 12:38 am

    a lot.As for 9/11, I think there is a cover-up, but not what the Truthers think. It would not surprise me if the Bush Administration knew more in advance but did not take the information seriously. I would add that there is probably a great deal of blame concerning Clinton that has been swept under the rug.

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